Mr. Greco began studying Tang Soo Do at Keystone Martial Arts under Master and Mrs. Jorgensen in June of 2002. He achieved the rank of black belt in October of 2005 and is currently a third degree black belt. In the summer of 2003, Mr. Greco became a certified instructor under Master Jorgensen. Through regularly teaching at Keystone, he has attained nine years' experience teaching adults and children. As well as studying martial arts, Mr. Greco is employed at Carnegie Mellon University where he is an Analytical Instrumentation Specialist for the Department of Chemistry.
Mr. Robert Greco, Chief Instructor/Proprietor
Mrs. Dianne Greco, Head instructor
Mrs. Greco is a certified second degree black belt instructor in the World Tang Soo Do Assoc.
She began her training together with her youngest daughter in June of 2004. "we were looking for a family activity we could all participate in, when my oldest daughter brought home a flyer from school." At the time, her youngest daughter was not old enough to begin training. Mrs. Greco waited until her daughter was older so they could begin training together. They both recieved their black belts on July 1, 2008.
Hidden Tiger Tang Soo Do
"Management is doing things right;
Leadership is doing the right things."
Peter Drucker
{2012 Hidden Tiger Tang Soo Do, LLC, All Rights Reserved}